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Sunday Worship

9:30 AM in the Sanctuary

Our Sunday morning worship service is an active response to God’s Good News. We announce God’s love for the world and invite all people to share in the saving embrace of God. Our worship is traditional, but not formal. We pray for our concerns, for others, and for the world. We listen to scripture and preaching, and we raise our voices in praise and thanksgiving through both music and liturgy. The service lasts approximately one hour. You are welcome here!



  • Inspiring Music, Hymns, and an occasional Choir Anthem

  • Welcome from our Pastor and Announcements

  • Scripture reading and Sermon

  • Prayers for one another and for the world

  • Benediction sending us out into the world to serve God with gladness

  • The Sacrament of Communion observed every Sunday—the Communion Table is open to all


Greeters will welcome you as you enter Emmanuel Lutheran Church. Ushers will hand you a bulletin at the entrance to the sanctuary.  Your child is invited to everything. They should feel free to participate in all of it, some of it, or none of it! 


Everyone is invited to stay for Coffee Time after worship, where we enjoy coffee, juice, refreshments, and conversation.


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